Awesome Baby Groot Hug Audi S Line shirt

On this day in 2000 the Awesome Baby Groot Hug Audi S Line shirt guys won their first of two riaa gold platinum awards program diamond awards for selling more than 10 million copies of their self titled debut album. Just heard that attention is nominated for choicesongmaleartist in this year s teenchoice awards vote at now until tuesday. A year and a half after earning a seat in the senate we were able to push for quality bills including the wireless internet access act which was passed into law as ra 10929 we also played a crucial role in the inclusion of the increase in tobacco tax in the tax reform acceleration and inclusion train law four of our proposed measures have been approved at the committee level while the 180 days maternity leave for all women workers sbn 194 which was substituted by sbn 1305 is just a few hurdles away in the house of representatives from being enacted into law we also managed to file several resolutions including the controversial senate resolution no 318 a resolution amending senate rule xxv sec 72 in the said resolution we battled against the resolution filed by veteran lawmakers which takes away the power of the president to withdraw from a treaty a measure which runs counter with the constitution I have been the recent victim of these fake news alluding that we are not doing enough work in the senate we wish to correct this by assuring the filipino people that we are doing all that we can to push for quality legislations god bless everyoneAwesome Baby Groot Hug Audi S Line shirt Awesome Baby Groot Hug Audi S Line shirt

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